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Posts posted by Torurot

  1. WHAT was the point of destroying a country that had the highest living standards in Africa?? Sure wasn't to bring "democracy". The setting up of an Africa development fund in competition to IMF and World bank was the nail in Ghadaffi's coffin.

  2. House Republicans Sue To Raise Health Care Costs For Poor Americans


    Jeb Bush’s Reverse Midas Touch


    Posted on November 21, 2014

    Jeb Bush’s Four Mysterious Companies Share The Same Address And Have Never Done Any Known Business


  3. The extra taxing/fining/punishment/education of those who commit REAL crimes against tourists, even the "clueless & unaware" is a good thing. I think it might work in other countries too. Pick on a tourist and the penalty doubles.

  4. This makes me BOIL! Fuking "PC" "feminist" filth

    Dr Matt Taylor’s shirt made me cry, too – with rage at his abusers

    An astrophysicist who deserves our applause has been pilloried in his moment of triumph


    More and a picture of the shirt here. Played in a Metal band too! What a guy. We need MORE people like this, not less

    I'M SO SORRY, sobs Rosetta Brit boffin in 'sexist' sexy shirt storm


    Vid 'He is just being himself' says proud mum of larger-than-life physicist

  5. Who said the work was shoddy. For IT'S TIME it was a masterpiece of slide rule engineering.

    Access to ALL of the buildings was VERY EASY. All the lift shafts were being refurbished which gave unfettered access to all structural areas.

    Why don't you look at the 911 Engineers for truth material www.ae911truth.org/ unless you think it's too "loony toon" to question the "official" work. If you cripple or limit the "terms of reference" you can always get the results you desire. "Nothing to see here... move along".

    We already have a group here who think SEALS should just STFU NO MATTER what. Ex Mil like "Blackwater" etc. Who said "the government" did it? Who got the insurance money? ALWAYS "follow the money".

  6. Obama tells the FCC to implement real net neutrality. And he's serious.

    (Gigaom): https://gigaom.com/2014/11/10/obama-tells-the-fcc-to-implement-real-net-neutrality-and-hes-serious/

    "Proving himself the policy nerd who pundits deride, President Obama

    has issued a comprehensive statement on network neutrality that covers

    all of the points left uncovered in his generic praise for the policy

    a few weeks back. The president is calling for the FCC to implement

    Title II rules from the Telecommunications Act of 1934, which is what

    the ISPs view as the nuclear option when it comes to network

    neutrality rules. Such rules would seek to prevent ISPs from blocking

    or slowing lawful content on both their last mile networks and at

    interconnection points. The president also called for network

    neutrality rules to apply to wireless networks, something that the

    original Open Internet Order from 2010 didn't even do. These are some

    pretty big calls for actions, and so far the ISPs aren't impressed."

    - - -

    "...the ISP's aren't impressed ..." [cue world's smallest violin]


    Lauren Weinstein (lauren@vortex.com): http://www.vortex.com/lauren


    Ted Cruz Lashes Out Against Net Neutrality, Calls It 'Obamacare For

    The Internet'

    (Huffington): http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/10/ted-cruz-net-neutrality_n_6133584.html

    "Never missing an opportunity to remind America how much he resents

    Obamacare, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) took to Twitter Monday to lash out

    against President Barack Obama's net neutrality endorsement by

    comparing it to the health care law."

    - - -

    The Twitter responses to Cruz's tweet make for interesting reading.

    I even added my own, which -- for the sake of decorum -- I will not

    repeat here.


    Lauren Weinstein (lauren@vortex.com): http://www.vortex.com/lauren


    - Network Neutrality Squad: http://www.nnsquad.org

    - PRIVACY Forum: http://www.vortex.com/privacy-info

  7. In a similar vein

    "But all nations are not equal. The United States has inherited the role that European colonizers played for hundreds of years. And like the ruling powers in the old colonial system, the United States wields a disproportionate amount of political, economic and military power in contemporary imperialism. As a result of this dominance, 121 million American voters hold the fate of billions in their hands every four years." ...

    "But the fate of the world’s population is the farthest thing from the minds of most US voters at election time. They are primarily focused on their own immediate needs such as jobs, taxes, security and other issues that they perceive to be of importance to their daily lives. They are not concerned with—or fail to see—how the political, economic and military policies implemented globally by the government they elect negatively impact many people around the world. Consequently, there is little chance of Americans voting against what they perceive to be their own interests for the benefit of a majority of the world’s population"...

    "Washington inevitably responds in violent ways to defend the status quo. This is why so many people around the world do not believe that the United States is a force for good. In fact, in a 2013 WIN/Gallup poll conducted in 68 countries, the United States was overwhelmingly viewed as the greatest threat to world peace—as it is each year the survey is conducted."...


  8. Most US Americans have NO idea what socialism is, and have been brain washed into thinking it means "communism". Mean while over at the corporate welfare centre the real robbers are making out like the bandits they are.

    Remember the Tea party signs with "Keep your socialist hands off my Medicare"

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