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La Bamba

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Everything posted by La Bamba

  1. Not whistling anything at the moment: our site is temporarily down, as our webhost is dealing with a power outage at the datacenter where our server is located. So if you're trying to access the site and can't, that's why. Lousy modern dependence on technology. .... I think it's Hugo Chavez or the Jewish Illuminati Alien 9/11-Shadow Government Conspirators behind it all.
  2. We know you'll be there in spirit, Ciobha. We'll have to see if our IT guru can maybe get you via telepresence. ...
  3. And just a reminder: Nancy's birthday party is Friday, April 12. Be there or stay at home and fap to pictures; up to you, 555.
  4. You've already been teased with Nancy; here's the rest of the crew: Sindy: Wil Ying/Leya: Nok: Jen: Smoke 'em if ya got 'em ...
  5. Be there or be square and stay at home and fap to pictures, 555
  6. Latest photos from the staff photo shoot awhile back are up on the La Bamba website. Here's one to peak your interest. Ask yourself why the logo is placed where it is ... Ciobha, better point that thing away from your keyboard. 555
  7. Ms. Jen ... Ms. Nok ... Ms. Cindy Ms. Nancy Ms. Wil ... Ms. Ying ...
  8. Here's more from the recent staff photo shoot at the La Bamba Bar and Guesthouse website. For those that can't be arsed, I'll repost the photos here in a few days. Right now it's time for penang gai.
  9. There's never any guarantees with the girls; as you know sometimes they are barfined out long time, sometimes for as long as several days or more; other times, especially with popular girls, they may have many requests for short times. This is why it was so unusual -- all of the girls were there that late in the evening -- a very rare thing. Usually the earlier the better, if you have your heart set on seeing a specific girl and finding her in the bar. Of course if you have their contact info, you can always contact them ahead of time and arrange to meet them in the bar.
  10. I don't think you have to worry about ping pong balls coming to La Bamba. But if you want to come in and throw your money around, either literally or figuratively, I don't think the lades are averse to that ... indeed not.
  11. Then I can promise you will be handsome man and popular customer.
  12. 2,000 baht in 20 baht notes. Girls will still finding stray 20-baht notes behind the fish tanks, couches, etc. several days later, 555.
  13. Hmm, link works fine for me; what browser/OS are you using? As for Marsha, yes, that's her. She's been doing a lot of work around the bar and up in the guesthouse rooms, cleaning and whatnot. She's been a big help to Nok while Annie was away.
  14. A (not so) typical Sunday Monday night at La Bamba: all of the girls present, in the bar, at midnight. No, really. Even Sindy and Wil. And then a good friend of the bar -- not to mention erstwhile Annie's boyfriend -- showed us how to tip La Bamba style. And no, that has fuck all to do with Gagnam Style. Warning: this is not for Cheap Charlies! Tightwads should not view this video; if you do so, you do at your own risk. Please have your nitro glycerin or other heart medication standing by. I kid, of course. Just Another Sunday Monday Night in La Bamba. Aw what the heck, here's a photo of Nok's butt, if the above doesn't tempt you to follow that link.
  15. Thanks for the pix BB; as per the preoccupation with IT issues -- now resolved -- there was no "official" recording of the event ...
  16. Just a friendly reminder: It's Ying's birthday party tonight in the bar. (And yes, yes, she also uses the name Leya -- but as Ciobha says, I'll stick with what her mama calls her). She's sitting here even as I type preparign snacks for said party. But she'd rather you come pet her bunny.
  17. The usual: food, cake, hot ladyboys @ La Bamba, Soi 13/1, Pattaya
  18. I can't be arsed to keep track of their professional names. Speaking of Ying/Princess Leia, it was her birthday this past weekend, and she didn't tell anybody until the day of. So to punish her, La Bamba is having a party in her honor of her birthday next Friday, Feb. 15. There will be the usual: food, cake, hot ladyboys all at La Bamba! Be there or be square.
  19. Easter Comes Early to La Bamba: As if the fish weren't enough. ... Here's Ying playing with her furry thing:
  20. Remember Ye Olde Ladyboye Water Volleyballe Tourney? Just put up some La Bamba team related pics on the site ... And for those of you that couldn't be arsed to visit last time, here's the latest batch from the last round of La Bamba Bar and Guesthouse staff photos: Nokky Nancy Sindy Wil Jen Ying The boss lady still gots it goin' on eh? And the rest also provide plenty of fap-worthy content. I'll try and get some photos of the new freelancers this weekend ...
  21. I know many if not most of you here know how to get La Bamba; some of you spend, uh ..,. a *lot* of time here. ... *cough, cough Ciobha cough cough* Then there's that 4:17 guy; he's like a bad rash -- can't get rid of him. But for those of you new to the scene or otherwise haven't ventured to Sin-on-Sea just yet, I've updated the "Where's La Bamba" page on the website with new photos and more detailed info. ...
  22. Ta, BB. Thanks for the great pics. Yeah, a good time was had by all, and the birthday girl had a nice little lei of baht notes by the time the evening was finished. Here's a few more photos. The birthday girl, in color and black and white: Wil brings the cake: And Nok eats it:
  23. I believe there's going to be some food provided BB, but you know Nok will always order you pizza from down the street. If it weren't for that, Ciobha and I would probably be dead of starvation/Sangsom poisoning after his last holiday. By the way, I'm too lazy to post them again, but here's the latest round of La Bamba staff photos up on the new site. I'll put up here later ...
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