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Posts posted by xyzzy

  1. 4 hours ago, Pdoggg said:

    USD at 31.64 at the main office of Super Rich today probably due to Coronavirus.

    The Dow is down around 1000 points as I write.  Today's drop could turn out to be the biggest nominal point drop in Dow history but in percentage terms we're not talking about a crash. 

    TT was showing 31.63 when I looked in. I didn't change anymore US$ before I left. I always have that debate with myself. :biggrin:

    Today was the third largest point drop in the DOW and very close to the second. But the other two were a greater percentage than today. The DOW is still about 2000 points higher than it was one year ago.

    1    2018-02-05      24,345.75      −1,175.21     −4.60 %
    2 2018-02-08 23,860.46 −1,032.89   −4.15%  
    3 2020-02-24 27,960.80 -1,031.61 -3.56 %
  2. On this board the option to EDIT or DELETE a post passes in a short period of time. I'm sure pdoggg can say what that amount of time might be (15 minutes?).

    I just got home yesterday. I was less worried about getting the Novel Coronavirus than maybe borders closing and getting stuck somewhere. Probably an overreaction but who knows.

    Think I'll skip taking a cruise this year.

  3. 33 minutes ago, stoolpusher said:

    The dust masks that 90% of people are buying are just that " a dust mask " nothing else . We are in bkk for a couple of days and it looks like 50 / 50 as to numbers covering up .

    Yes the regular cheap masks don't help much. A couple of weeks ago lots of Thais started wearing masks in Pattaya. But mask usage seems to be declining in recent days.

  4. Since I am leaving soon I was considering buying a mask to wear at the airport (even though I probably wouldn't wear it) plus I have a patch of mold in my house that needs to be removed. But I was only going to buy a mask that had a high rating. You can buy masks that have a rating 95 (removes 95% of bad stuff), 97 and 100. The 100 is actually a HEPA filter that really does 99.7%. Masks with higher ratings have a small filter on the outside of the mask and you don't breathe through the mask material (I think). A pharmacy on Buakhao has some 95% masks for 70 baht. But I didn't buy one at first and now all the good ones seem to be gone at the pharmacies I checked. It was probably overkill anyway so I will be going commando. :biggrin: 

    • Like 3
  5. 23 hours ago, Quietguy said:

    If I get noticed (not common these days) I get called 'sexy papa'! :unsure:

    Well at least you get the sexy part. They just call out 'papa' to me now. I'm 65 and it started about two years ago.

    • Like 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, EyeMahk said:

    How about rerouting through another country?  Transit through China sucks anyway. BKK airport was very busy a few days ago, lots of people coming and going.

    How many were wearing mask (that are probably worthless)? I heard it was about 80 percent a few weeks ago at Swampy.


  7. 5 hours ago, Woodie said:

    Just saw on the news that an 80 yr old Chinese woman tourist has died in Paris. My god, what next. A 90 yr old dies at the South Pole. This is getting to be a newshound's benefit party.

    120, 000 died from strains of flu last year!!!!

    Hey it's all relative. If corona really gets loose all over the world it will be really bad. But most likely it won't. I saw a not so optimistic scientist the other day claiming 1/3 to 2/3 of everyone on the planet will get Corona. A anti China conservative US congressman claims China made this virus. There is so much BS out there believing any one (or two or...) source is probably a fools errand. After the world's big scare over swine flu, that didn't come true, most people think it's all alarmist. Corona is 20+ times more deadly than the regular flu strains and doesn't just kill the young and old. Hell who knows what will be true in the end and that is what makes it news worthy. Although regular news these days has become to much like sports news. They put anything in the news often having no real insight/facts.


  8. On 2/12/2020 at 5:17 PM, Woodie said:

    Where the hell do you guys get these songs from. Most obscure you could ever find.

    I agree totally. Have never heard of the band or song posted by the OP although I am old enough. I looked up Fischer-Z and they had albums that charted in the UK, a few other EU countries and none where I live. I also have never heard a lot of Dukes songs. Although I recognize band names and song titles from songs I don't know so I guess that means they are at least somewhat famous. I don't care for about half the music they play in Scooters (which I haven't visited this trip in 3.5 months). But I suppose any of these will be better than the techno crap lots of places play unless they are "top 40 pop crap®". Sorry to be so picky but needless to say I'm not a big fan of "BIG" obscure playlists featuring others nostalgia. I think the Katty regular that has supplied the bar with a playlist has done a pretty good job.

    Flame suit on, fire away. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Pdoggg said:

    Today at around 6PM Kasikorn had a rate of 30.93 quite a bit higher than TT.

    In the last week I've seen a couple of times when K-Bank was showing .01 more than TT for the USD.

    The VISA card rate is still stuck at 30.68 currently.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Pdoggg said:

    So if we made an assumption (which would probably not be true) that the dollar appreciates straight up to it's peak and then depreciates straight downhill, when we see the baht depreciate once again on Soi Buakhao then it's time to use the Visa card at the old stale rate which should be the peak.

    Yes but since I get all my money from my US VISA debit card I have no choice but to use the card when I need money. I think I've used my card seven times this trip and three times I got a better rate than TT Exchange and three times a little worse. But the difference between 30.84 and 30.64 on 30220 baht is only about US$5 so it's not a really big deal. About the price of a LD. My last four ATM withdrawals of 30220 baht have been a few dollars over US$1000. At the current VISA rate it would be US$985.

    • Like 1
  11. TT is US$ 30.84 at the moment. The pound has a little cushion above 40. I suppose this is all about the Coronavirus. I expect the USD to be above 31 by the weekend. I probably just jinxed the whole thing by make a prediction.

    The VISA card rate is only US$ 30.68. So as often is the case when the currency is moving fairly fast in one direction the VISA rate, which only changes ever 24 hours, is lagging.

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, ArchieBunker said:

    I am thinking about/supposed to transit via Hong Kong in about three weeks.  Those plans are on hold and I can also go via Tokyo.....

    I leave in about five weeks via HKG. I almost switched to a flight via NRT that would leave late this week and just get the hell out. But I was undecided and waited. A few hours later the flight (frequently flier miles) was no longer available. I would guess most of the east Asia airlines are getting cancellations so maybe more FF miles flights will open up. 

  13. 7 hours ago, seven said:

    They were friends, Kobe a football fan, Zlatan a basketball fan.

    Kobe lived in Italy for a number of years in his youth. That is where he became a big football (soccer) fan and learned fluent Italian. 

  14. 11 hours ago, seven said:

    They can? Thats remarkable. I read they were isolating cities, checking people for symptoms. Amazing they would let infected people travel abroad.

    The link Big Tel posted mentioned that China was stopping all outbound tour groups as of today (Monday). Kind of amazing really they waited that long. I guess in a week or so from today there will be no Chinese tour groups still in Pattaya and those damn big ass buses will be parked. I would guess the Chinese tourists that flew out in recent days were quite happy to go.

    I read an interesting article on CNN.com yesterday written by a reporter that also was around for SARS. Unfortunately I can't find it today. It said SARS was often worse in newer well equipped hospitals. Apparently it perhaps had something to do with air conditioning trapping the virus inside the hospitals vs no A/C and having the windows open.

    Kissing would seem the perfect vehicle for transmission. Bye bye GFE.

    I'm actually considering going home. It would be nice if the Chinese could be depended on to tell the real facts so we knew what the hell is really going on.

    • Like 2
  15. I went to a large pharmacy on Soi Buakhao and the lady behind the counter had a typical size breathing mask on. But it was more than a regular mask as it had some smallish device on the outside of the mask off center a bit. She usually never wears a mask. She confirmed she was worried about the  Coronavirus.

    • Like 1
  16. Quote

    China’s prohibition on outbound group tours takes effect Monday and may spell more pain for Thailand’s Tourism & Leisure equity index.

    The infected Chinese can still leave for Thailand today.

  17. 1 hour ago, Quietguy said:

    Let's face it though, most major US beers are pretty tasteless!

    Yes which is why I drink ale in the US. I wouldn't touch the lawn mower beer I drink here in SE Asia back home. Lawn mower beer = so light and with so little taste it's great to pound down a few after mowing the lawn.  B)

    Sorry :sign0006:

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