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Posts posted by seven

  1. Paccers, and  your fellow born-again christian right-wingers , 

    Chavez was one of the good guys, simple as that, really.

    Thatcher, GW,=evil

    Chavez, Castro= good

    I´m sure y´all deep down agree, no matter how the ignorant bastards at Fox news slice it.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Been trying to post on this topic , but i can't pick any of his masterpieces.

    To me, Dylan is the greatest of all time, living or dead, and to be able to see him on his Neverending tour almost every year is a bliss even though the last decade his concerts have been pretty much the same. 

    Nothing revolutionary, but i don't care, i take every opportunity to see him. 

    I can't name one song, there are too many. I always go back to watch the Royal Albert hall stuff from mid 60´s, backed by the Band doing songs from his legendary triple Bringing it all back home, Highway 61 revisted and Blonde on blonde. It doesn't get any better than that , imo.

  3. I guess it all depends on your world view how you would view Chavez.   



    Two Hollywood nutjobs, Sean Penn and Danny Glover, 




    How very true, and like Jim, i know which side i am on.


    Nutjobs? You mean their humanity?  I have nothing but respect for these guys.

    • Upvote 3
  4. We all know bars can change from one half hour to the next ...



    I only have two nights in Bangkok and this is one of them. I look forward to getting back to Pattaya, but I'll be out for the NEP exodus shortly.

    I guess a Heineken in  Guess bar is out of question? :biggrin:

    • Upvote 1
  5.     L


          A Brit on another message board once said; "There are no funny American comics".  Of course that shocked me, he obviously forgot people like George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Bill Maher, Dennis Miller, Rodney Dangerfield, Bill Cosby, Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Bill Hicks?


    ...Will Ferrel, Adam Sandler, Don Rickles, Dennis Leary, John Candy.

  6. Multiquote won't play for me, my apologies.


    I fully understand some people don't find Gervais and brit humor funny.  Personally i love it. Theres a new The Office revisited out  in 2 weeks.


    Billy Crystal was my fav Oscar host.  Letterman was misunderstood. Jon Stewart could be good?


    I´ve been watching Late show for 25 years, and Letterman is my fav. One of his writers Gerard Mulligan, sometimes came out on stage doing his jokes, and was very very funny. He quit a few years ago.

    Letterman was better 20 years ago. I´ll  never forget when Cher came on, and left 2 mins later.

  7. One of the documentaries nominated for an Academy Award is Searching For Sugarman.

    And it won  :happy0065: I have to admit i felt a little proud.


    What a lame show it was though. So boring. The host wasn't funny , never heard of him before, maybe the Affleck/Kardasian joke was. Is Gervais too much to host this event?  Tarantino showed his hubris in his speech how he nailed the cast, with Foxx nodding. De Niro looked like 100 years old, and Nicholson  120. Its painful to see your heroes so old.

    Is it correct Bradley Cooper was nominated for a supporting role???? That´s a joke , surely. Him winning an award is as likely as Kutcher or Ryan Reynolds would.








    And I am not saying Seven or you are wrong either. I just don't know where you get the time to watch something over & over. I wouldn't know what to cut out to make the time. Still it would be boring if we were all the same.

     This was maybe 15 or 20  years ago when they came out, somehow i had more time back then. Instead of internet it was VHS tapes late nights.

    I still have favorites i watch over and over again.  

    The Right stuff, Godfather trilogy, Sea of love-Pacino, Goodman, Cop-James Woods, damn he was good back then. Slingblade-Billy Bob Thornton.


    Like jaidee i have a bigass Sony Bravia tv and a very comfy couch, going to theaters is too much of an hazzle these days

  9. Saw another kind of obscure movie the other night, but I also remember seeing it when it came out;

    'Glengarry Glen Ross'  from 1992.


       Good cast......Ed Harris, Al Pacino, Kevin Spacey..... Alec Baldwin gives a great performance for the 15 minutes he is on the screen, and best of all; Jack Lemmon in a fantastic role as a hapless salesman whose life is going straight into the toilet.


     Takes place all in one 12 hour period, and was originally a play.......highly watchable drama.

    Its a fantastic movie. Seem it many times. First in theaters, then on tv.  When Pacino rips Spacey for not keeping his mouth shut before he knows score, f**king up a sell for Pacino. Its a long movie but you cant stop watching its so interesting.

    Acting  at its best!!

  10. I  'In Bruges'; I haven't seen it yet because I don't care at all for Colin Farrel, I think he is just a smug SOB along the lines of a Robert Downey Jr.  But I know I have it on one of my HD's, I think I will watch it some day based on the recommendations here.

    Its a good clever movie. I can't stand Farrel either, but Gleeson is the star in this one.

    I like Downey Jr though, but Farrel is in the same C-league as Bradley Cooper and Ryan Reynolds.

  11. I can't wait for your opinion of Django. I thought I must see it but I wasn't expecting something so entertaining. It's a completely Over-The-Top outrageous parody of a western that brings all the elements of so many western classics & hurls them onto the screen in a manner that took my breath away. It's terrific in parts, dumb in others, in many ways it is a complete travesty that western purists should arguably reject. But I found it marvelously entertaining & for that, I forgive it of everything else.




    Not hard to understand at all. I didn't think I was writing that I'm right & everybody else is wrong. Sorry if I gave that impression. Now go see Django, it's terrific. 

    No worries.  Problem is, nowadays going to the theaters in the west is nothing like in Los. You get cellphones ringing, a bunch of loud teenagers commenting and talking through the movie. Recently a man who was disturbed by a group of  teenagers politely asked them to be quiet and show some respect to the rest of the paying audience. He got his nose broken by said fine young men. Its much nicer going to the theaters in Los, but then you have to settle for either  Ironman or Avengers.

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