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Posts posted by roderick17

  1. Hi Just 


    I know its been sometime since you posted, but where in Pursat did you meet your LBs. I 'm going there sometime this week, so I'd like to look around while I'm in that provincial city  Where should I focus my attention!



    I hope to god it was for ALL.  Giving even one that money would have a nasty ripple effect. Already the ladyboys seem to ask twice what the gg's do. At least in Pursat.


    PD, I had a gf in Pursat the first couple times I went but year before last I found out she'd gone "pro" and STILL wanted me to pay usually. Very different idea of boyfriend. I bailed on her and last year took my new older femboy/ladyboy "wife" with me to Cambodia. She LOVED it, kept saying AMAZING Cambodia. haha. NEXT time I think I'll go solo and try some more Pursat hookups. Um, for the sake of forum database of COURSE :D

    • Upvote 1
  2. Torurot


     Yes -I agree with you. This is another complete american cock-up, which the international media has totally ignored




    WHAT was the point of destroying a country that had the highest living standards in Africa?? Sure wasn't to bring "democracy". The setting up of an Africa development fund in competition to IMF and World bank was the nail in Ghadaffi's coffin.

  3. Sorry PPd, I think  I'v got your name muddled up. I apologize for the mistake  !!

    Where is she from, how long is she staying and what sights does she want to take in ??.


    Pig DD,  I thought you resided in PP. Is that correct or are you out-of-town at the moment !  



  4. Hi Top Cat 


    I am thinking of taking the plunge soon by giving up dreaded work and taking up a more relaxed life style of living somewhere in the Philippines, Thailand or Cambodia. While everyone is acutely aware of the need for setting a realistic budget, few of us consider how to go about starting new friendships or even meeting other expats, once` we move to our new and permanent  overseas abode.  I'm just wondering how you factored this requirement into your plans for moving to Cebu ?


    In any event, I hope your plans work out and you really enjoy your new life in the Philippines !!

  5. Welcome aboard Topcat!  :hi:


    And there are no wrong topics here on Ladyboy Review.




    Hi PD 



    From your posts, I get the impression you spend time in Cambodia too. If that assumption is right, how do you find the relative cost of living in phnom penh compared with an equivalent city in the Philippines. ? Is it cheaper,.more expensive or about the same .I'd be particularly interested in how  the costs of nightlife in Cambodia would pan out. Are those costs  generally less than what you would fork-out in somewhere  like Angeles City!!  




    I can't speak for the PI, but that's my budget in Pattaya and I am comfortable enough.


    The key is to get out of holiday mode eliminating things such as ladydrinks and barfines.


    I spend about a quarter of that on rent, in Thailand there's plenty of cheap monthly rentals, and I suggest that you get a place which makes you happy since you will be spending quite a bit of time at home as bars every night gets old quickly.


    I have some very low expense days, maybe 5 bucks, mostly on food.  So that I can splurge on other nights if I'm so inclined.


    I encourage you to take the plunge!   :biggrin:

  6. Hi Stealth



    Thanks for all this helpful information, although I do have one question for you, How many of these PI beauties have you "bedded"" and which ones were the best performers both in-between the bedsheets and out in the real world too??

  7. Someone on this board mentioned that there are many Ladyboys to be found in Pursat. My question is where in Cambodia is Pursat, and where in Pursat are these Lbs to be found?? 


    Thanks heaps



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