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Posts posted by etgohm

  1. Anyone ever wish they'd never discovered the place ?

    What you don't know you've never missed and all that .

    I wish l had never heard of the place l am looking for a physiotherapy group on how to decamp from Thailand. Its ben almost 4 years as l originally went on a whim to meet my brother instead of going to Ireland. He said lets meet in the sun instead of a pub getting blocked every day and eating greasy chips before falling into a drunken comatose sleep every night. I had no idea what l was in forand frankly the first trip was just pure fun. I cant remember laughing so much and enjoying the craic so much. Hell l didnt even look at a ladyboy the first trip and only took a couple of GG's.

    A year later l went back and it was then that l met my LOLA. The rest is history, brain dead working like a beast and finding ways to save as much as possible to get back. In one 12 month peruiod l went 4 times! I was ther in November, had May booked and knew l was going back the following November, but around the end of January with the weather at -20 and feeling miserable l was sitting at my PC reading forums and daydreaming when l figured why not and checked with Cathay Pacific if there were any reward trips available. (No way could l use points on a weeks notice!) They said there was a seat available Leaving on Friday night and one to return the following Sunday. WTF 7 days in heaven, l threw caution to the wind and did it. Thats the drug!! I was shattered when l came back but high as a kite, no one knew l was gone other than a west cosat business trip.

    Ok its settled down now bit the reality is once a year would be great (getting 2 amazing). As long as l work l can do it bit retirement is threatening and one day this may not be an option.

    Sorry to be long winded but like many here l feel at peace hanging out with fellow punters. We are a band of misfits that scream out for the attention that only a thai GG or LB can give us. Its like being a kid again falling in lovor lust and enjoying every minute of it. Life can be cruel on middle age single or wishfully single guys.

    I have no doubt at all that if l didnt have family committments l would be spending 6 months a year there. Eldiablo took a leap of faith, Foggy is close behind and Farangbah is already enjoying the fruits of his labour.

    Just my 10 cents...



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  2. JaiDee, l love your story so far. Needless to say many of us here have had the same mindset when we started out on our Thai adventures. It is a drug and no sooner are you home that you are already thinking no planning the next trip.

    I have to admit my journey although different had a lot of similarities. They just grow on you, but how does this end? Twice a year until time takes its toll or finally throw in the towel and make the move?

    Keep it comming, it was a pleasure to spend some time with you.



  3. Jai Dee making the rounds and making you mark. Great meeting up and l absolutely agree. Nancy is a sweetheart, then again so are all of the ladies in la Bamba. Size is not the issue "duh" if yiou havent tried, but l have had some great chats with her and one day, when l am ready... but until then.

    Cheers, ET

  4. Ok so l am sitting on soi Baukau having a coffee with X-RAY and nursing a hangover. We have decided that the only way to settle the GOTC issue is to have a cock off... In order to patent the name you have to prove you are the man you claim and not some sniffling little cocksucker. You have to walk the walk and take it like a man. Call it the LOLA syndrome. Nancy is back on Tuesday so do the deed and live to tell the tale and the patent is yours.

    That's why l use cioba and his legal team. He walked the walk and came out of it a better man.

    I rest my case

  5. Morlam confirmed for Monday.... Right from Rose's sweet lips before she took care of business.

    l am going to the left side this time and staying away from the Noon Possee.

    I hate this place not rest for the wicked.

    Cheers ET :movethatass:

    • Upvote 1
  6. Sorry this took so long but l needed to get a ruling from my legal team and according to "The Belfast Boys" its a simple case of last man standing wins. They said you dont have a leg to stand on! It could take a while to sort out though, so in the interest of fair mongering l have decided to make a name change to "Lola's Last Stand". (who gets to be her farewell biy toy). XRay said he was going to hand around La Bamba all day Tuesday!!

    Not that l am afraid of the legal implications, its the sight of Siam Sam licking his lips that sealed the deal. :sign0181:

  7. I dont know who is in town or out and about but XRay and l had an awesome time last night with Nok and Cindy at La Bamba and learned that Cindy is leaving on the 15th for Germany.


    I am sure there will be a few hangovers after Baby Boom on Saturday, but l am always looking for an excuse for a gathering for "Lola's Last Stand" *** and perhaps if any of you are around stop by La Bamba on Sunday night (13th) to wish her the the best. Plus it will be good to catch up.


    ET :drinks:

    ***All changes were made under severe pressure and l hereby declear that pay back is a bitch!

    • Upvote 3
  8. Hey ET, I'm off to BKK for business and the Backdoor Specialist arrival party for a couple of days and back on Friday. if we don't catch up then, we'll see you at the party at Baby Boom Saturday!

    Hey Foggy it will ge great to hook up. I will check in at the Boomer party on Saturday. lf you are around on Friday lets grab a cold one or three... My honeys gone the dust has settled, grabbing a nap and then going for a walkabout...



  9. While I was in Patts recently we had some very enjoyable meet ups in the PBG, at least once every week. There were great opportunities for guys to put faces to FMs and get to know each other a bit better as real people and not just characters from the forum. I usually instigated them, but that's not to say they cannot continue in my absence.

    So what I propose here is making this a weekly event, say Wednesdays or whatever evening suits and meet at 8.30. We can use this thread to arrange it every week, where guys can say what night suits and take it from there. It also gives new members a chance to meet guys in a relaxing environment before hitting the LB joints

    So how about anyone who is in town, meeting tomorrow, or perhaps Thursday this week, as there is a party in Famous this Wednesday. Post your suggestions here and lets see how it unfolds.

    You'll have to keep a seat free, with a jug of Tiger and a bucket of ice, so I am there in spirit. :drinks:

    I just pulled in from a couple of scary night in BKK. I am at Juri's home base in south Patts. Tied up with a must have honey until Wednesday and then l am wide open for 3 weeks.

    Hey 4 parties and my birthday in between.

    I love it, May is such a passionate month.

    Who else is here,

    Stay thirsty my friends :kissass:


  10. I love my lil scooter when l am in Patts and always take the side streets, plus having a honey on the back grabbing you nuts or getting you riled up is a blast....but! Life was good until a few trips ago when l got pulled over and fined for no international drivers license, plus they always add on no insurance!

    But you don't get insurance when you book them...... Scam artists. So l get the international drivers license .... What a joke. I get pulled over on soi Bukahow, show my license and smile and he says you need to have your fucking passport! 2 hours and 400baht later. Rotten bastards! One time my bike went missing and l was told that it was parked on the no parking line. 3 hours later hanging around the cop shop on beach road...400 baht fine and then a motorbike taxi ride for almost an hour to a barren field somewhere in the middle of nowhere another 200 baht and l have my scooter and no idea where l am and the helmets missing. Grabbed the spare and got lost in the dark for an hour before l found my bearings and back to soi Diana to my hotel.

    Imagine getting stuck in a shit hole cell and no one knows you are there because you had a few.

    I think l would rather take my chances with horsey Nancy and a bottle of lube than sit in the humiliation that confinement would bring. It would be cheaper, cleaner and at least l could just pay the toll when l had enough.... Hell l could even go back for seconds if l could walk and my scooter would still be safe in the parking lot.

    22hours and counting :party0049:

    ET :roadrage:

  11. Just a reminder of the upcoming events for the next few days.

    Saturday 28 Baby Boom: The After Sun Party

    Monday 30 Famous Bar: Dutch Queen party

    Tuesday 1 May: Morlam, Third Road.

    Dam...l dont hits Patts until the 4th, maybe l will get lucky and catch another before the 26th. :movethatass:

  12. Over the years l find myself in BC and Alberta on business. Many long days and wasted nights always get me thinking about how good we have it when in LOS. Plus to find anything thats remotely close can be very expensive.

    A few years back l hooked up with a lovely creature in Calgary called Sunshine. I had been in contact with her and l needed a fix so why not. At the time she charged $250 for an hour (more now). Bottom line absolutely worth it. She is a fireball, a little attitude but pure pro and if looks alone could do the job she did it.

    I have since been back a couple of times and get a special rate for a couple of hours. It takes a couple of visits to get her to open up and take it beyond the p4p and the clock is ticking.

    If anyone finds themselves in Western canada, she is worth the visit. I believe she is out of the country until June, but for those times when you are months away from you next LOS trip and just need that wow fix. She is worth the entrance fee. She is popular but has a sweet spot for regulars and she has size.

    I took these pics from her site as l didnt take any plus the clock was ticking..

    post-122-072969500 1335029551.jpg

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    Cheers and happy punting.

    ET :drinks:

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  13. So many events in the table in April. Keep it comming.

    I am all ears and eyes for May as l am sure there will be a Morlam and of course theres the blast at BabyBoom. Any others? Less than 3 weeks to go and counting.

    :drinks: ET

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