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Everything posted by Aitch

  1. You would fucking love Ana at TJ's. I had her for room service last night and her performance was better than Lily's! Add to that a great personality and unbridled enthusiasm and she will tick many boxes.
  2. Some day? WTF? Why not soon? The Test & Go is relatively painless, and the girls in town are as hungry as you. They await with open legs and bums in the air. (Not only that, we could all use seeing your topnotch photos rather than just my amateur stuff.)
  3. I dropped in just for the last hour between 10 & 11. There was a decent crowd so most of the girls were busy. A farang was singing, accompanied by Venus, and he had a fine set of pipes. Very enjoyable. Ana was particularly foxy, and in a mood to play; it's a shame I wasn't. Ana Jinny Linly Nadia Paula Su & Ana Su
  4. Early, around 7, before normal 8 pm start. Gets busier later.
  5. I was at TJ's early, chinwagging and elbowbending with kathoeyfan when Mama Em, attired in her finery, returned from a social visit to the opening of Molly's at the Hideaway last night. She brought some of her current staff with her, similarly decked out to impress. Bella Jinny Linly Nadia Oil Su
  6. Now that the 11pm "closing" time has reappeared - temporarily no doubt - kathoeyfan, streetwalker (and his hot visitor from Udon) and yours truly had our usual pleasant evening elbowbending with the staff. Today's photos lean heavily towards those girls most interested in posing, although I did manage to capture the odd candid shot.
  7. Yup. Jinny and Natty were my first LB pork sandwich.
  8. Not to worry. Also, I was there 9 years back. The only GG's were the service staff, although two of the four of them could be barfined. All the rest were LB's.
  9. Last evening was short one for me as I succumbed early to a case of olde phartism. Nevertheless I managed to get a few decent photos to keep the thread of one of our fave bars flowing. A welcome was made to Su, who is a GG! Notably, she is also a most pleasant addition to Mama Em's stable.
  10. Not to me. I'm sure everything is Covid-dependent.
  11. Illusory. She was wearing her black minidress.
  12. Dropped in last evening for an hour from 8pm to lights out at 9pm. Stayed until 2am! kathoeyfan met me there and we drifted over to the soon-to-be TJ's Annex (where the short-lived cabaret was a few years back) and hung there with Nadia, Oil, Paula and Nanny where we had sanuk maak as the girls played a little of this and that. You may have noted the 1000 Bt note in one photo, but rest assured there was no gambling going on since the girls had nothing to lose; the note was there only for the winner of the game being played. TJ's Newest Furface, as yet unnamed.
  13. A number of attractive vixens have indeed moved on, but one thing is certain - Em is one of the best at recruiting talent. I have no doubt once things return to semi-normalcy that the TJ's lineup will again be special.
  14. Thanks Quietguy. You're unfortunately correct; there is no cabaret happening these Covid days what with limited attendance and early closing. But fear not, those fine evenings will return. Just don't hold your breath.
  15. Greetings and high ho to all LR members! I'm looking forward to contributing to the TJ's thread as much as I am able, and very pleased to have recently been turned onto the Ladyboy Review site to do so. Before a few weeks back I was unaware of its existence at all. (We are all ignorami of one thing or another!) Posting photos on the Ladyboys Pattaya Forum for TJ's had always been my premiere "raison-d'etre" for joining, that is until I was unceremoniously banned (both as "Aitch" and as "lbshtupper") for literally no good or fair reason*. It is therefore a welcome boon to have a site where I can promote TJ's (and a couple other good places) with photos and posts. Please feel free to offer comments, questions, criticisms (trolls unwelcome) and pregnant ideas, and I shall accept them with an open mind and try within my means to implement those which further our group love of ladyboys, our community, and TJ's in particular. I am not near as good a photographer as Bumblebee but I do have an eye for moments that capture individuality, and those aren't too damn easy to capture since they must usually be of a candid nature due to the habits of LB's to immediately strike a pose the moment they notice a camera is pointed at them. I've attached a photo of myself so any of you may recognize me when Covid sucks wind and you can return to the Land of Smiles. Please feel free to approach me and introduce yourself should you see me at TJ's (or anywhere). * - If you're curious about the real reason behind my banning please PM me and I'll pass along the sordid truth, something somewhat different than that which has been passed amongst the rumourmongers, trolls, chinwaggers, and beer klatchers. Until anon, Aitch (Mike)
  16. Streetwalker had an LB friend visit and since it was her birthday a small celebration was held with yours truly, kathoeyfan, and Glasgow Rob, whose adept potty mouth kept us entertained. Oil took care of the recently born furface. Anna took care of the pool table. Nanny took care of the music and the cake. Then Nanny did a bit of posing. And Linly followed suit. My little pal Leo kept an eye out for the BIB. And afterwards Bella took care of me. (She hadn't had a squirt for two weeks and delivered a prodigious load.)
  17. Lights off and curtains down at 9pm after yet another collective brainfart by the ludicrous powers-that-be. Yours truly, kathoeyfan and Streetwalker hung in and had a lovely time. With the pool table covered the girls had to play with other sticks. L to R - Mama Em, Paula, Bella, Anna, Linly, Bebe, & Oil.
  18. Despite all the current Covid nonsense there was a good turnout and good fun for New Year's Eve 2022 here at TJ's. Here are some of the photos from the event. Bella in Red, Paula in Green, Oil in Black, Jinny in White, Nadia in Tan, Linly in Blue. Last photo is of Mama Em and her friend Virginia
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