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dixon cox

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Posts posted by dixon cox

  1. Popped into Corner Bar tonight and Aun was there and so was the dlicious Ning shooting pool, I was facing the pool table and noticed her asss sticking out as she was taking her shots.

    I miss that place.

    Probably the most visited venue for me these days, besides the hotel room.

    Nice to know I already have a drink waiting there for me too :drinks:

  2. For me it is the total easy way of life and the release from all the hassles and stresses of life back home, the dreaded real-life.

    Relaxing with some cool drinks in the company of good friends, both farang and local. Long walks and easy days out with my ladyboy girlfriend and the quiet intimate times alone we share together.

    Bliss B)

  3. Blanket generalisations about relationships never working out or that freebies could never truly exist bugs me a bit.

    I've had a little share of both at one time or another, but in the case of the freebie (it's always been with girls I've known for some time rather than a fresh encounter), I've found myself wanting to give her a 'gift' anyway, unprompted, literally as she's leaving the building.

    This is because I prefer not to feel that I owe her anything or retain any duty towards her in any way in the future, so it kind of puts the happening to bed, so to speak.

    However, several have gone totally unrecompensed without future issue, even repeated. So anything is possible, especially if it's happened to me cos I ain't no oil painting :pardon:

  4. This is a totally absorbing and enthralling story and one which will have many of us glued to our screens.

    Very much looking forward to the following installments in this well written and thought out piece. Writing down one of life's darker chapters is like a cleansing of the mind and can provide closure and peace.

    Great to have finally met you earlier this year JaiDee, Chok dee Krab B)

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