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Posts posted by janabiyah

  1. I was in Roxy bar soi 6, the bar was closing and I couldn't decide which of the 5 girls to take home. I had exactly 2000 baht in my pocket and I put it on the bar and asked Mamasan if I could fuck all the girls.

    She just said no problem, brought down the shutters and I fucked the five of them, one after another in the bar.

    • Upvote 2
  2. On PDogg recommendation I saw Dr Aree for a check up. She was as described and I enjoyed the visit very much.

    She gave me some very interesting information about my teeth which none of my previous (about 30) dentists had observed. The information led to some remedial work which was very beneficial.

    A gold star from me.

  3. I love this thread as it got me reminiscing about things past. I crossed the Ladyboy bridge in 2000, Aoy had just arrived in Pat Bar fresh from the farm and changed me forever.

    At that time I was posting some stuff on BKKtonight.I guess we all remember that the LB threads were the most popular, but they were always fucked up by so many guys posting about how they would never go with a LB.

    About 2001 I met one of our own (to borrow one of BBs expressions) in Toto Lulu in Jomtien and posted in BKKtonight. Then I got a private email from PDOG telling me about questionable girls, man I just loved that site and checked it every day for new material. I actually got to meet PDOG later and through him met Lefty, BB and many other great characters.

    It's interesting how people have changed over the years. Now I sometimes see a trip report involving a LB on a mostly GG board and nobody bats an eyelid anymore.

    • Upvote 2
  4. I spent a couple of weeks in Phuket last year (patong) and wouldn't go back again.

    While there is great LB action in a few bars such as C&D and a terrific LB massage place which had just opened, it gets old very quickly as the choice is very limited compared to Pats.

    The other thing that irked me was the rip off taxi drivers, tuk tuks etc. There is no baht bus system, so everytime you want to travel you have to hire a tuk tuk or a taxi and they look for outrageous prices from falangs.

    Finally the food, generally crap. Dined out every night and tried many restaurants, way below Pats standard. Maybe I should have gone to Kata or Karon for a different experience.

  5. I think it might be easier to start with some basic numbers.

    Altogether there are 4,141 ladyboys in Pattaya, counted on my last trip.

    .0001% live with PD

    20% are in Billy 69 bedroom at any given time

    15% are on short times

    21% on long times

    18% are searching for the remote

    20% are having their hair done

    12% are trying new shoes and handbags

    90% are sleeping

    Hope this helps

    • Upvote 1
  6. Well, what's the best bar for an Oldbie?

    Good question Ken. I guess we are looking for Bars that open early and music not too loud. Wouldn't it be great if they gave senior citizen discounts on bar fines?

    • Upvote 1
  7. I am in exactly the same situation. 2 days ago I met a beautiful LB online. She lives in Davao. Yesterday I had a ton of mail from her. She is madly in love with me, wants me to come to Philipines and meet her and her Mother and walk hand in hand through the shopping malls.

    She did not even mention money once, help me out here guys, should I go?

  8. Good man Lung, it's refreshing to see somebody has the balls to mention the elephant in the room and I fully agree with you. Any time this topic is brought up on the various forums, the guy who mentions it invariably gets slated by "guys in the know, old hands" with comments along the lines of "nothing is free in Los", "they are all about the money" bla bla bal. When I mentioned on another forum that I have been chatting to an LB student who does not seem to be money orientated, one of these self appointed know it alls asked me did I want to buy some swamp land in Florida he was selling, cheeky fooker lol.

    Ask some of the guys who use the various online sites and chat programs how they get on, and one would be surprised by the amount of non payment sex these guys are getting, the only money changing hands in for transport and maybe some food. I have availed of these myself, and it's such a different experience being with someone who wants to be with you, rather than only for the coin. Many of these girls have regular jobs and are looking for a bit of illicit fun like any normal person in any country. Of course these guys using these sites don't boast about it in general. One reason is to keep it secret and reduce the competition/assholes ruining it for them and secondly to avoid the inevitable derisory comments from the so called self appointed experts.

    Of course the online option takes a bit of work time wise, and is more suited to guys who spend longer periods in Los or can line the girls up before they arrive. But it is not only the regular girls who give out for free, some of the p4p girls can be quite generous with their bargains also.

    This is the area where the "wise old sages" scoff at any mention of a freebie. Well to those gentlemen out there, it does happen whether you want to believe it or not, although granted it is rare. I am not boasting here, just telling what happened, when I say on my last trip I had a few freebies, man I hate that word, and the girls made the offer, I did not coax it out of them or haggle for it. Here is one tale you don't hear that often, a bit of an eye opener I reckon.

    During my last trip I met a p4p girl on Sukhumvit on one of the nights I was in town. We had some fun back in her place, and I handed over my money in the morning. But also we swapped mobile numbers and emails as I enjoyed her company and I might give her a shout again. Well I spent 3 weeks in Bkk last February and one day she popped up on MSN messenger. We chatted and she said she wanted some photos taken for her page on Vicesisters and would I do it for her.

    Anyway one thing led to another and she made me an offer you just don't get from a p4p girl in Los. I told her I was going to Hua Hin, and she asked could she join me. Now here it comes,rub your eyes gents, she said as we were now friends, and that I was doing her a favour with the photos, she would pay her way on the trip, and she certainly did. She first off insisted on paying my bus fare to HH. Then she gave me half the money for the room each night, and wait for it, every night before we went out, she handed me 500 Baht to cover her drinks. There was absolutely no strings attached to this you scratch my back, I scratch your back arrangement. We have since become friends and as her English is quite good, we can have some normal conversations online.

    Anyway I could go on, but hopefully I have helped illustrate the point that Lung made, that it is not always about the money.

    Thanks for the tip BB, but she got free photos taken by a master photographer, worth a lot to her and you had a great time together. Well done to both of you

  9. That is 10 feet too close for me to an ego enhanced "superstar". :D Good to see you here also Janabiyah, hope you are keeping well.

    Hi BB,

    Thanks BB, really missing yourself, Lefty and PD and hope we all meet up again in 2011. Tiocfaidh ár lá. The volleyball thread you started brought back great memories, what a day (and night) that was.

    Probably the nearest thing this side is the possibility of Leinster winning the Heineken cup, but it's a far second

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  10. The important thing for me is feelability.

    One of my favourite girls has bolt ons that feel like a piece of wood.

    I like them soft enough to sleep on, big enough so she can't fall on her face and long erect nipples.

    Apart from that I'm not fussy

    • Upvote 1
  11. Em's hair has been the topic of many conversations the past couple of months. Is she better with long hair or short. There will never be a consensus of the subject I think. Most everyone seems to agree that with her great smile and overall loveliness, the hair length is more or less irrelevant.

    Agree about it being my favorite bar. The atmosphere as well as the kindness of Michael the owner, means Corner Bar probably gets at least 75% of the money I spend in bars every month.

    Well Lefty, you're going to have to give me the guided tour on my next visit.

    In what Bars do you spend the remaining 10$?

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