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Posts posted by janabiyah

  1. Not quite sure which section to post this in….


    Just got a call from Joy saying she just arrived in Pattaya. Will stay for a few days. Staying near the Soi Diana/Soi Bukhaow area


    Number with her permission…08 4933 8662


    Not seen her for a few months, so don't know what her current look is. Good English, good fun in my experience


    Give her a call


    She looks good!    :biggrin:


    Hopefully she can find a few customers in Pattaya.


    Her cock is like the leaning tower of Pisa

  2. She caused quite a stir on another forum, most of it negative. In any case, I still think she is sexy but my best fucks have been ugly girls 555! :happy0065:

    I agree the homecoming queen gives a mechanical performance at best.

    But the bragging rights can compensate if that is more important

  3. Great topic BB. There is no doubt this is the golden time for all things. No person in history has had such a comfortable life and lived as long and as well as the average western male today.


    Not to mention the general availability of everything we could possibility want, LBs, GGs, etc., food, warmth etc.


    If we can just keep the Islamic fundamentalists in their cage we should all get another 20 or 30 years out of it before the next big thing rocks our world.

    • Upvote 2
  4. It was Smile Dental Center, BB. 111/76-77 South Pattaya Road.


    Young dentist, but very good.


    Hi Ciobha, thanks for the update on Pattaya Dentists. I need a new bridge and root canal so will go there in September.

    I guess the key thing is to bring a translator as the English is not very good.


    Anyway, Sindy is a good choice, watching her would definitely make me smile.


    Flat chest - long legs - great small tight ass...


    I am always reminded of the words of a LB who posted on another forum in days gone by:  

    "I wouldn't take the word of a bunch of guys who prefer a girl with an arse like the paperboy."  ---  Naang Faa 
    I've chased paperboy asses ever since....................



    Hey Kahuna, I remember Nang Fa well as a prolific and entertaining poster, you just twigged my memory with your post.

  6. Interesting point BB. The Bar is a business and these days unhappy customers post their feelings on social media.

    It's easier for the owner to solve the problem for the customer than to defend the bar on the internet.


    Customer feedback empowers the little man.

    With a bit of luck the bar owner will give him a voucher for a free short time.

  7. I notice that most of my friends will notice a girls tits well before they take a look at her legs.


    I myself have always been a leg man, just love them and the tits don't count for much.

    Lately I've been wondering if that is one of the reasons for the preference for LBs.


    Are you guys the same? is this what differentiates us? does this make us gay? lol

    • Upvote 1
  8. As a fun experiment, let's compile a list of 5 well know LBs who have been on the scene for a long time.

    Then we can ask a newbie to visit them and report back on how long they have worked bar.


    I know that Aoy in Pat bar has been there at least 14 years.

    Sorry I won't be around to participate, but sure would enjoy the answers.

  9. In a conversation with one of my own kids last Christmas, about a Dublin club frequented by schoolgirls who reputedly don't wear knickers,he happened to mention that having sex with a Ladyboy is becoming a rite of passage for adolescent boys.

    Maybe a comment on the state of post catholic Ireland?

  10. That's eating your cake and keeping it too DT!    :happy0065:


    Living in Thailand, I mostly do whatever I'd be doing back in the States.


    That means lots of time online.


    I like swimming and my place has a small pool and Tony's gym nearby has a large pool and a steam and sauna.


    I spend lots of time at home.


    For the last six years, we've been living in one room because I'm on an extremely tight budget.  Next year, it will most probably be a one bedroom.


    The extra money has to come from somewhere and my biggest waste of money is night's out on the piss in places that I won't be able to afford given my higher rent.  But I'm increasingly bored by bars so it should all work out OK.

    As George Best said, I spent a lot of money on women and drink and just wasted the rest. lol

  11. I guess it could be like number plates and LBs could give a special sticker to their first farang in Pattaya.

    If the LB becomes famous, then the Farang will forever be admired and looked up to by his peers. Lucky Falang.


    Yes, I think Farangs would pay a lot for this privilege.


    Perhaps the sticker could be traded for big money and could be used on number plates etc.

    In this connected world, we are only limited by our lack of imagination.

    • Upvote 2
  12. I may have been Aoy (Pat Bar ) first customer. It was the year 2000 and she had just arrived in Pats, Farm Fresh.

    I suspected it at the time, but for sure will never know.


    Anyway, it was August 2000. Can any BM beat that?


    Absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately have lost all my pics of her.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Wow, haven't been on here in a few months, and the first topic I see open is EXACTLY what I wanted to post about! 

    Except... when I read the actual thread, I see I misunderstood the topic.


    I came on to mention that although I'm very happy in my relationship, she just mentioned to me that since she'll be in school in the winter (when I always take my 3 week "sun break" vacation to escape the gray rainy winters here in Porcupine Tree) she thought it would be ok for me to go to Thailand alone if I'll buy her a ticket to go visit her family in New York for a couple weeks during her Christmas break.


    Jesus, I almost wet myself. God damn I love this gurl!!


    I had to pretend like I wasn't that enthused about the idea, but would "think about it".


    Can I really be this lucky?


    So anyway.... the topic of "how to enjoy Pattaya if you are hitched" had a completely different significance for me when I read it.


    DT Unhitched, looking forward to the trip report. Have a great time.

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