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Posts posted by jcs

  1. See when you listen to Uncle Hound things work, I hope you didnt pay them either, bet you went in and said " that dirty fat bastard in Manchester is on Virgin and gets up to 50 meg ,I want it to" and they said "fuck off you tight fisted git and pay for it like brother hound does" and you said " bollocks hes to tight to pay for fuck all"

    Seriously Jezza good to see you sorted it out and we will be getting more pearls of wisdom dripping from your key board, ring me mate or do iI have to phone you cause your too tight to pay for the call.

    After 30 mins on the phone to their call centre in Mumbai!!!! must say i nearly lost my rag quite a few times, I got the upgrade and the new box of tricks which is the 20mb package for the princely sum of an extra 1p per month...

    I am too tight to call you, but will make an exception tomorrow... will call in the morning mate.

  2. Tried logging on to LBP forum today and got this message below.

    NOTICE: This domain expired on 03/30/2011 and is pending renewal or deletion.

    Are any of you seeing the same, looks like someone is a day early for April 1 perhaps??

    Same here BB, I think TT has forgotten to renew his domain :rolleyes:

    Hopefully back soon.

  3. Good to see you back posting Jcs. It has got a bit busier I think you will notice since the last time you could manage to log in.

    Thanks Guys, Virgin tell me i have up to 20MB download speed(reality it is about 14mb) so everything loads in seconds!!! it is great to be in the 21st century... at last...

  4. what you on about, you would fuck a pound of wet liver jammed in a door frame ,you dirty old fucker, last time you stayed at Siam the fucking cat didnt come back for a week and then the poor cunt was limping

    I even gave you a +1 for this post, made me chuckle!!

    But lets face it,It's the pot calling the kettle black here!!! The girls at Siam were always telling me that i had better ladyboys in my room then you did!!!

    • Upvote 1
  5. WTF its shit when you are here, why in the world would anyone want to watch it in Europe when you have 500 plus channels from Sky admittedly 480 of them are bollox but still, get a grip larry

    Totally agree, TV the world over seems to be getting worse!!!

    And less of the bad language Robo!!! you are bringing the tone of this forum down!! :D

  6. Who's the most famous Thai ladyboy?





    Or someone off our radar such as a Miss Tiffany winner?

    What say you?

    I guess we are just looking at Pattaya here?

    I dont really get off on this superstar thing, but just based on the amount of pictures and words on all forums it has to be Emma or Nicky.

    Neither of whom i would go with,unless they offered me a freebie!!!!

    Emma, i find to be extremely attractive, but she knows this too much,and IMO needs to get her head out of her ass and get back to reality...

    Nicky is a little more aloof, and i think mainly off the scene at the moment, extremely pretty, except for those eyes!!!!

  7. My preference is for Medium sized silicone breasts,i sometime think that these monstrous sized implants look vaguely silly!!.

    I don't mind hormone breasts , but the consequence of hormone breasts are normally a limp and lifeless cock.

    But if push comes to shove i can make do with anytype or none :P

  8. No probs ,pleased to help get things moving ,hopefully this time next year the membership will have increased 100 fold, especially the way one of the other forums is going ,they are now banning people for daring to disagree with the mods or the site owner.

    long may it continue and the site go from strength to strength, I see now the number is at 65

    All these awards will go to Robo's Head!!!!

    PS: still cannot view/ post properly on this site, most annoying!!!

  9. a nice little pic of the cute Aum, guys please feel free to add some pics of other Pook Swan girls in this thread

    Robo, My eyes are getting old, can you make the picture a bit bigger!!!

    I will have a look through my picture files and see what i can come up with vis a vis pictures of pook Swan girls and i guess pooks soi 6 can be included?

    It may be blasphemy but the last two i barfined from pooks soi 6 were Girls!! both very disappointing in the room..Especially the Deaf Mute who was without doubt very cute,but was the biggest starfish that i have ever been with.

  10. Not sure that i have put this in the correct area, but what the hell!!!

    I would just like to say Hello to all the first time members of this new ladyboy forum,Most people will know me as i am a long time poster in another forum(which i will continue posting as well),i hope that i can contribute in pictures and in words and make the forum a success.


    PS: I hope that we can run a civilised forum here, without bashing/flamming the three established ones

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