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Posts posted by 4:17

  1. Just a hint; search for "BSkyB Ladyboys Series 2" on Pirate Bay; if you just search for ladyboys you'll have to sort through pages of old porn. sky ladyboys turns up nothing; took me a bit to find it ... not a lot seeders atm, so may take awhile.

  2. None of the shit birds we've had in living memory would, with the possible exception of Carter. Bush the senior might surprise us though; he was a fighter pilot who saw action, after all.


    Clinton would definitely take the pod, but Hillary would stay and kick ass, though, 555. I agree with Sam's list, and would argue that both Roosevelts would stay behind, although I'm not sure Franklin could do much in the way kicking terrorist ass (same same for peanut farmer Carter). Teddy though, for sure.


    Truman would, he was a scrappy guy by all accounts.


    Jefferson would too, I think, although again, not a noted pugilist. Ole "Tippecanoe" Harrison most definitely would. U.S. Grant, maybe, if he had his liquid courage up. Of course there were no such thing as airplanes back in their day; maybe they'd have to stay and fight the terrorists who were taking over the Presidential Airship.


    Of course the ultimate in Presidential Bad Assery was Chester A. Arthur:





  3. Two things, and that's the last I'll say, because, you know .. fighting on the Internet. Special Olympics.


    One: The piece in question uses multiple cited sources. The rebuttal cited uses bluster and vague generalities with no sources cited. So ... what makes it brilliant, exactly? Where's the sourced point-by-point refutation of the original article? Now that would be interesting.


    Two. If we in the media are all in on it, I just have one question: how come I'm not rich? Where are my kickbacks? Where's my invitation to Bilderberg? I must have called in sick on the day the Illuminati called us all into the office to explain how we get rich by being their mouthpieces. Damn.


    Oh well, I'm off to hold some people down and force-feed them fructose-laden fast food, followed by an afternoon of forcing people to vote for a mainstream candidates who misspend their tax dollars for war and corporate coffers. Next week I'll either be tying them down and forcing them to waste natural resources or to spend their time viewing passive mainstream entertainment instead of out protesting the evils of the day. If I have time I'll distort some facts or just make them wrong -- I usually save that for when I have some down time in the afternoons late in the week.


    It's all in a day's work for this humble minion in the 4th Estate.


    Carry on.

  4. From the New York Times Magazine:

    Why Rational People Buy Into Conspiracy Theories
    ... They found, perhaps surprisingly, that believers are more likely to be cynical about the world in general and politics in particular. Conspiracy theories also seem to be more compelling to those with low self-worth, especially with regard to their sense of agency in the world at large. Conspiracy theories appear to be a way of reacting to uncertainty and powerlessness. ...

    I realize this comes from the Lizard-alien men/Jewish Illuminati-controlled liberal media, but interesting nonetheless. Turns out you guys just need a hug. :happy0148:




    P.S. If you've used up your 10-free articles for the month at the New York Times, and you get the prompt to pay for access, just go into your browser's cookies and delete all the New York Times cookies; that's all it is, their pay wall business: just a cookie. Delete that, and you can read 10 more articles.

  5. Yaya is a popular girls around Pattaya.  Anyone know where she is working these days?




    She's been down in Koh Samui for low season; last I talked to her she said she was planning on coming back to Pattaya eventually. Judging by her Facebook photos, she hasn't been starving down there. :biggrin: Not that I'm knocking her Botticelli-esque figure mind you. :party0021:

  6. The best after hours place is Club Sukhumvit Sidewalk between Soi 3 and Soi 5. I love this club. It has a McDonalds -- not to mention Thai food, namely Isaan specialties -- a number of bars and a number of ladyboys in it on any given night. The music can vary, though, and the dance floor is shite. Sometimes it smells and parking is pretty sketchy, too. But no cover charge, and you can bring your own -- your own bootle, ladyboy, GG or what have you.


    Just look out for Luk Tan if she's being pissy and there's a spare ashtray within her reach.



    • Upvote 1
  7. ...


    All things cock have constituted a serious lifestyle choice for me for some decades now.


    :rofl: Ken, that should be the opening line of your memoirs. Or perhaps the opening line of the afterword.


    Living alone is now something I enjoy. I do not envision another relationship being entered into in the foreseeable future. ... I don't agree that to have a lifestyle commitment to my sort of sexuality means you have to be living with a LB.

    What he said. +1 times infinity.


    I don't seem to fit any of those options either; always been an odd man out, I guess. I like LBs (and have been into transgendered women to one degree or another for years), and seem to frequent them more often these days, but still love the GGs; the thought of never being with another lady that was born a lady would be a sad one.


    Also love Thailand in many ways; even if I wasn't into ladyboys and whoremongering, I would probably still be here, or at least somewhere in Southeast Asia.


    But being a butterfly man -- who loves them all, mind you, in all seriousness -- who lives alone is what makes me happiest. Footloose, fancy free and low key, that's me. And no, I'm not referring to the eponymous Rod Steward album.

  8. What is her cock size? 8P


    If you're asking this question, I'm afraid Tara isn't the girl for you. And I'm not trying to take the piss. :biggrin: Being with Miss Tara is essentially like being with a GG (and that's not necessarily a bad thing, in spite of what some on the board may think, 555).

  9. I'm gonna play devil's advocate and take the piss at the same time; between this thread and the Has it become too mainstream? thread, it's like this has become the old fogeys' forum (while LBP is the youngster's whiney wanna be pugilistic troll forum).


    When did you guys all turn into Jimbo? :rofl:


    "Kids today with their cell phones, and their Internets. Why back in my day ... "


    Mobile phones are actually having a tremendously positive impact in the third world where there is no wired telephone infrastructure, enabling everything from micro-transactions for small businesses, to banking to aiding emergency services. Not to mention providing Internet access, and consequently access to news and information -- to those who would not otherwise have it. 


    While there are downsides to this, such as the environmental impact of used electronics, I'm guessing most people would rather have their phones than not.


    Generations back people said the same thing about technology we take for granted, be it cars or televisions or microwave ovens. I'm sure there was a cranky cave man hundreds of thousands of years ago bitching about his kids and their friends.


    "Bah, Kids today with their fire and their agriculture. Spoiled rotten pussies. Back in my day, we just huddled together for warmth and that was good enough. And we just gnawed flesh right on the bone. We didn't need to cook it and make it soft. And we just moved when we needed to get more food! We followed the herds, we didn't grub in the earth and take care of cattle like pets! Bah! And these huts? For fucks sake, don't get me started about the huts! Back in my day ... "


    I try hard not to be the cranky "Kids today" guy. Being among the first generation to grow up with computers and video games (I'll be 45 in a few months; I remember the halcyon days of the Commodore 64 and the Apple II), I used to get so sick about hearing how it was making us all a bunch of anti-social violent whack jobs.


    I understand it though. I grew up with computer bulletin boards and online services; I remember the Internet and the World Wide Web in its infancy. And today I don't "get" social networking; think it's silly, by and large. But I try not to be judgmental about it -- try not to be that narrow minded guy -- after all, I remember my parents and their friends bitching about all the time my friends and I spent on Compuserve (while they sat in front of the TV watching Dallas and Magnum P.I.).


    "Bah, you kids today with your Twitter and your Facebook. Back in my day, we couldn't just press a button and like something. We had to actually type out an emoticon! Do you even know what that is? Have you ever even used a physical keyboard? By God, I could speak 1337 when you were still in diapers.


    Back in my day, we didn't have Cheezburger.com and meme generators. If we wanted to write a smartass comment on a funny cat picture, we had to load it in Aldus Pagemaker and do it ourself! Bah! And if I wanted hundreds of people I barely know to see it, I had to email it! To a disty list that I compiled myself! As an attachment! I didn't just "post" it to chuckleheadbook!"


    It would be easy to be that guy. But the only constant in life is change; you roll with it or it passes you by.




    Hope I'm not offending anyone; as I say, just being ornery and taking the piss in the interest of discussion. Hangovers will do that to a man. I may not be one of those "kids today" guys, but I am one of those guys. But you know I love you guys, right?




    I'm gonna go download some episodes of Magnum P.I. via bitorrent now and revel in the Brave New World.





    • Upvote 2
  10. The one in yellow -- having dubbed her Miss Manga in my own thread -- to quote myself:

    I have to add to my list of boxes just to cover all the boxes she ticks.

    I shall be awaiting eagerly the report of our brother in arms who undertook an advance reconnoitering mission (with my encouragement, I might add -- I'll either be a hero or a bastard, depending on how it went).


    Great pix, 360.

    • Upvote 2
  11. And here we are:










    Even though the focus on her face is a bit soft in this next one, it's still one of my favorites of the set:














    Incidentally, when I saw her a few days ago, her hair was back to black.


    Still more to come later ... And thanks again for the kind words everyone.

  12. Cheers DT.  She certainly made ripples at that time.  Apart form the period when she went for a gothic-ish look, she is as fine today as back then I reckon.


    555. 360 and I were just saying last night how we *liked* the gothic look she was sporting back then. ... More pics to ensue momentarily.

  13. Thanks for the kind words, gentleman; it's much appreciated.


    So let's recap, lest anyone be confused: yes, she is 1) Thai (from Isaan) and 2) a ladyboy. I have met her mother, a lovely, sweet Thai woman. As for her father, I couldn't say, and didn't/don't feel it's my place to ask. I may be a whoring butterfly horn dog of a person, but that doesn't mean one must be impolite. There's never a reason to be rude/not to be a gentleman (something many punters seem to forget, alas). .


    And just remember, genetics as it applies to appearance is not always simple/cut and dried, and one can get in trouble when trying to make direct speculative inferences. Recessive traits (I don't mean necessarily negative traits -- light-colored traits like blonde hair and blue eyes are recessive, after all) can be passed down unknowingly for generations before they get expressed when two folks who happen to be carrying said traits get together and make some babies -- sometimes many generations after those traits were introduced into the local gene pool.


    Given the fact that Europeans have been mucking about in Southeast Asia for centuries -- they were imperialist dogs long before us Yanks -- who is to say?


    Anyway, we'll save the discussion of Mendelian genetics for some other time. Here's a few more (with props to Irving Penn, et al) of Miss Tara:






















    This batch of photos would have benefited from a second light source ... And let me pass on her reminder once again that she does have a sponsor these days (and once again, not me, 555). Feel free to debate ad nauseum about what that might or might not mean, vis-a-vis sponsored; I am merely the messenger/medium. But don't feel bad in that case, lest you spy her in Gemini Bar, approach and get rebuffed.


    • Upvote 2
  14. Okay, so this thread is to be dedicated to one Bumblebee; were it not for him introducing the likes of Tara to the likes of us back in the day ... well, these pictures wouldn't be here for you to enjoy now.


    Let's get this upfront and out of the way though first: Tara can be found at Gemini bar, which is all the way in the back of the Simon 2 Complex, which is the second Simon beer bar complex on Walking Street, as you walk south (away from the end of beach road). It's on the right, just before you get to Soi 16 and Rolling Stone Bar (which are on the left).


    Tara had heard that I was into photography, and having shown her once upon a time some other photography work I had done -- not trip report/ladyboy stuff -- she asked me if we could do a "real" photo shoot.


    I told her I didn't quite have the gear at the moment to do it right and proper as I would like, but that I could probably put together something beyond the usual point-and-shoot/phone cam shots (not that those can't be good, as BB himself has so amply and aptly illustrated) -- perhaps some so-called boudoir-style photos.


    it took us a while to make the arrangements, but it finally came off and she's reviewed these and is okay with them being on here, but she wanted me to let you know that she currently has a sponsor -- no, that's not me, 555; I'm a dyed-in-the-wool butterfly man -- but you can still have a drink with her and hang out in Gemini Bar on the occasions she choose to hold court.


    Also, don't ask for cock shots, etc. -- there aren't any.


    I'll put up the first batch now and the rest later. By the way, if you are friends with Tara on Facebook, you've already seen these, or most of them at any rate.


    First here's a few candid and posed shots at Gemini Bar:














    And here she is in a slightly more intimate setting:






























    I'm not happy with the lighting/shadows on some of these, but what the hell.


    More to come later ...





    • Upvote 5
  15. ... Cindy was on stage, and she was working me like her life depended on it.

    Yeah, that's one of the ways Cindy stands out from the crowd; while many other girls just stand around on stage, or just holler at you and gesture, Cindy works it -- the pole, the stage, her bod -- along with her gigawatt smile.


    ... In a way I think Casanova is laid back, low intensity after what I saw there the other night.

    Casanova must have changed since I was in it last, 555.

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