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Posts posted by Lefty

  1. Well Lefty, you're going to have to give me the guided tour on my next visit.

    In what Bars do you spend the remaining 10$?

    Ahhh, my witty young Irish lad, I cannot tell you where the remaining $10 gets spent, lest the information fall into enemy hands. It will be required that I show you. ;)

  2. To me, the most famous Thai ladyboy has to be Nancy. The reigning and still undefeated champion for most massive ladyboy cock in Thailand.

    I've heard Long Mint is the biggest. Maybe slightly longer than Nancy, but for overall mass, Nancy is like a baseball bat up your ass, business end first, whereas Long Mint is more like the handle of a 5 iron, in comparison.

    Recently I've heard others such as Ploy, formerly of Hemma Cabaret, and now at a bar on up 2nd Rd, the name of which I cannot recall, and Noon aka Ex Mrs Juri, were on a par with Nancy. They are both impressive enough in their own right, but neither one equal to Nancy.

    If I could have any lb I have ever known walk through my door right now, I would select Nancy.

  3. Great post about your tipping point SS!

    For all you folks playing along at home, Emma goes under many different names one of which is Amy so that's the same same girl. Think Khun Lefty knows about four names for her.

    When I first met her in front of JSB, March 2003, she told me her name was Anne.

    When www.asianshemalesxxx.com did an early photo shoot of her, it was under the name of Boy, though I don't think she has used it in person. This was back before any alterations whatsoever, and she was quite like a boy from the neck down at that time.

    She was on ladyboy-ladyboy.com in late 2003 early 2004 or so, two shoots by different photogs. In one she was Emma and in the other still another name that escapes me now.

    Then her later shoots like for ladyboy-gold.com she has been Amy.

    In person however, the past few years, as far as I know she is always Emma.

  4. I see no reason for the so called Facebook generation to regret any indiscretions. What is that anyway? Putting your real name and pic on FB and then have LBs on your friends list? That is only a problem if anyone is ashamed for family or straight friends to potentially know.

    I'm too old and far past caring what anyone else thinks about my lifestyle choices.

    Like Dr Seuss said, "be who you are and say what you feel, because those who matter don't mind and those who mind, don't matter.

  5. Short term lodging is going to generally be a little higher in Phils, from what I've seen.

    Long term, by the month, types of places, I think you can do better in Phils.

    The passport stamp only gets you 21 days as opposed to 30 in Thailand. Visas to extend are a lot more though. After the 21 days, next you get a 38 day visa. That cost me 2,340 pesos. Next I got a 59 day visa and it cost me 3,800 pesos.

    To figure the value of those prices in baht equivalent, it would be 45% less baht to be same value. It's an easy calculation if your brain thinks in baht and also thinking in pesos seems intimidating.

    So basically, you could get a 1 year multiple entry retirement visa in Thailand for less than the cost of 4 months in Phils.

    Pharmaceuticals are VERY much higher in Phils. Things like V need a scrip from a doctor. I got one and when I went to Mercury Drugs, one of the bigger chains in the country, I was told that ONE Viagra tablet would cost 880 pesos. I passed.

    Vitamins are also slightly higher, but them again any imported vitamins are higher than balls on a giraffe, here in Thailand to begin with. So, just figure imported nutritional supplement prices are very high both places.

    Booze is cheaper in Phils, for those of you who enjoy a libation of an evening. San Mig Lite could often be found for 30-32 pesos a bottle. Multiply that by 45% or .45 and you will see what that is in baht.

    I found Colt 45 malt liquor for sale in small stores, for 15 pesos for a bottle. Same size bottles as the standard ones here. Most of your typical Pinoys don't drink San Mig because to them it's not worth the extra cost compared to Red Horse or Eagle beer. They have a Sangsom equivalent, called Tanduay that's very popular and as I recall it was less expensive also.

    • Upvote 1
  6. It depends on the situation. In Stringfellows its nice to see the bulge. I think most of the gurls prefer to keep it hidden when wearing tight clothes and/or out in public to appear more ladylike, so I would defer to their preferences in those instances.

    Fridge has a good idea with the cock ring for when they are nude. That's something I'd like to explore further in the future.

    I do find it amazing the size of the tools that some ladyboys are able to deftly tuck away out of sight.

  7. Talking to Michael one evening, we came up with The Beverly Hillbillies names for various folks at the bar. Michael is Uncle Jed, Thomas is Jethro Bodine, Ning is Ellie Mae and Aun is Granny, more for the way she oversees everything and speaks her mind, rather than her age. hehehe. We ain't decided who is Miss Jane or Mr Drysdale yet. :D Maybe those characters won't fit anyone. Heck, as flat chested as Miss Jane was though, maybe she was a ladyboy not yet on hormones. 555

  8. Nice shot's Friedfrunk, this really is my favourite Bar, great staff and a wonderful laid back atmosphere. :D

    plus I like Em's style long hair or short She is great, along with Aun and Ning it's a winning combination.

    Em's hair has been the topic of many conversations the past couple of months. Is she better with long hair or short. There will never be a consensus of the subject I think. Most everyone seems to agree that with her great smile and overall loveliness, the hair length is more or less irrelevant.

    Agree about it being my favorite bar. The atmosphere as well as the kindness of Michael the owner, means Corner Bar probably gets at least 75% of the money I spend in bars every month.

  9. Great pix again, Mr Ff. You are one very cool dude and a fine shutterbug.

    You caught Pooky in the background in one pic, firing up a J. 5555 :D

    Just kidding, the bar cannot be quite that liberal, although I don't see why when we gotta pass a dozen fucking shisha joints with their atomic music blaring and fools sucking their damned shisha pipes just to get to Playboy. :unsure:

    Pooky aka Nana (when she was at Gemini Bar) looks especially fine, as usual. She could stand up with any lb in Pattaya when it comes to sheer beauty.

  10. the current crew at Famous includes two of the largest cocks in Pattaya now. If that interests any of you pole smokers or butt pirates. :rolleyes:

    I've only partaken of one of the two so far and she is a real dynamo in the sack.

    She wears 56mm condoms, the largest diameter sold in most pharmacies here.

  11. I concur with PD. Famous is #1 because of Lita and Karl. Karl plays the best music of any bar in Pattaya. Lots of parties thrown there too. Great venue, and the location suits me.

    I do like Sally's a lot too and if it were closer I'd go more. But it is still a solid #2 for me.

    I like Linda Bar for a place to sit and relax. Koyo7 is moving up the list for me too.

    Next would probably be LaBamba to round out my personal top 5.

  12. Great pix FF!!!

    I think Em wants her long hair back so eventually it will get there. In the meantime she makes a very cute fem boy type. Hopefully she will avoid activities in the future that could risk another visit to the monkey house.

  13. IMO>>

    The most beautiful in PI are at least equal to the best in Thailand, but in the upper echelon for appearance, there are more total numbers of 10s in Thailand, if we were ranking them on the old antiquated 1 to 10 scale for wont of a simpler system.

    It is easier to meet more lbs in PI who are not in p4p, and those types are more relationship oriented rather than looking for short term flings or short time encounters.

    If a fellow is primarily interested in p4p sex without commitment in PI, I would focus first on Makati and Angeles City. I have also seen a fair number of attractive freelancers in mid afternoon on Adriatico St in Malate, which is a generally less expensive area to stay, if that's a concern, compared to Makati.

    One VERY good thing about the PI lbs is they speak good English. Some speak it as clearly as any Brit or American. Since they learned it originally from Americans, their accent is closer to ours, when compared to say the Indians, who first learned from the Brits.

    There is not much, if any bar scene, dedicated to lbs in PI. Though we do hear of bars with lbs from time to time. It is nothing like the cookie cutter experience that is so easy for newbies when they first come to Thailand. Heck, in Thailand a blind retard could score with a cute lb in a place like Nana Plaza. Nothing is quite laid out so neatly in PI.

    The PI lbs are nearly all circumcised, which may or may not be a plus, depending on one's preferences. It seems to me, that the average overall cock size is more in Thailand, though there are a good many notable exceptions in PI. I know, or know of, 4 half black lbs in PI, all the offspring of former US Servicemen, and all are packing a salami that would measure up in comparison with any lbs anywhere.

    Hormone use is not as prevalent in PI, nor are implants or other surgical alterations. Though they do take place. More likely with lbs involved in p4p.

    Your typical Mindanao lb who works in a salon or a market is very seldom ever going to have any alterations and very likely little if any hormone use. For whatever reason, implants are much more costly in PI when compared to Thailand, though I do believe the quality of the work in PI is at least equal.

    If one really wants to meet a nice lb in PI (or even Thailand for that matter sometimes), and a relationship is what you are seeking, then free sites like facebook.com and tagged.com are highly recommended.

    Anyway, those are some of my random observations and comparisons between PI and LOS lbs. Your mileage may vary.

  14. A couple of the koyo girls from last nights party be fucked if I remember their names but the one with the braced teeth comes highly recommended by arch pervert Travis Bickle off the childish forum that bans people for having an opinion, so please no stupid posts as on the said forum like good pic cause the answer you will get is Yes I know or I wouldnt post it or I would fuck that, well if you would then buy a ticket and come and do it dont fucking just talk about it from behind your sticky computer keyboard in London,NewYork,Paris or wherever the fuck you are from, sorry rant over wankers just annoy me especially the ones who try to tell us who are doing it ,how to fucking do it from 10000kms away.

    A big thanks to Koyo & John great party enjoyed by many mongers

    Superbly stated Mr HB. :)

    Totally agree and good talking to ya on Xmas eve.

  15. Koyo7 definitely gets 2 thumbs up from me for being one of the better lb bars in town. Nice owner, pretty lbs, who aren't too pushy, and great venue that can be reached easily without having to navigate WS and it's overabundance of people seeming to wander aimlessly.

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