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Everything posted by Aitch

  1. Dropped in last night for a brief howdy-do with a couple friends. Turned out to be Paula's birthdate. A few visitors and a few newbies partied on. I went home.
  2. Sonya was there, but partying and not taking photos. Also, hers have her logo on the bottom. I didn't see who was taking photos, although dozens had their phones out for the cabaret stuff. I was there under thirty minutes, but for me it was very fruitful as I got to meet the outstandingly attractive Gina from CIB. I am looking forward to a weekend in BKK later this month.
  3. Nice photos. Unfortunately there are none of Ana, TJ's top performer (in the sack). Conspicuous by her absence, so I'm guessing none of the costumes were able to fit her. Good thing my dick does...
  4. Got that right! The good news is that somehow a seat always appears for me at TJ's. I doubt that would be the case at New Bar.
  5. I guess "jammed with SRO" was too confusing.
  6. I was just about to suggest an end to the threadfuck. I must apologize that I have no photos of the party last night. The house was jammed with SRO when I arrived, but soon after I was hit with grim discomfort and had to return home; I made it with hardly a moment to spare. The following hours (and still) have been the shitz (so to speak). So, no cabaret dancers in full flight, but nevertheless a good sign that the time's they are a-changing. Until anon.
  7. I dropped in last night to barfine the lovely Paula and got a fair sampling of the girls trying on outfits for the party tonight. TJ's is apparently into extreme recycling. . My close little friend Leo. Bella jokingly suggested I should barfine him. I should have taken her up on the suggestion. He would have performed a fuck of a lot better than the dismal example put out by Paula. I should have just stuck to Ana. Over five performances so far she has proven the consistent antithesis of Paula and Mia. Here's Ana resting up for the party. Even with this pose she gives a better performance than Paula. YMMV of course. I hope to hell it does if you have the urge to give her a throw. A familiar reprobate slipped in to barfine Linly.
  8. I dropped in only for a short while last night, still uncomfortable from recent dental work. The doctor advised me to refrain from blowjobs for a week to allow healing. I wonder how he knew that to be giving and not receiving... So I managed to score only a relatively few shots, mostly of a candid nature which I prefer at any rate.
  9. It's a free Google photo-editing app for both Android and iOS.
  10. Ana is simply the best performer in the house. Had her for the sixth time a couple nights ago when Paula stood me up because she was still on the bathroom floor next to the toilet sleeping off her binge from the previous night when she stood me up as well. Typical LB shit. I have major dental work tomorrow so now it'll be a few weeks before she gets to sample my first class blow job.
  11. It's about the same. Em is adding more seating and extending the outdoor seating canopy. There'll be an additional chrome pole as well.
  12. Nobody had water pistols, but a very good time was had by all. The girls wore some colourful New Year's attire, but I liked it best when they slipped into their ultra-revealing mesh bumsicles. A Lady gaga doppelganger showed up with her boyfriend and beelined for Nadia. Turned out they were threesome regulars of hers when they were in town and after drinks, pool and sanuk they trundled off into the night. I had some photo difficulties and was unable to upload many decent ones which were over 7mb in size. Kor tod. DeeDee,Atom,Ana & Mia (photo credit to Em) Ana & Bella Atom Bumsicle Gaga, Nadia & Atom Atom Bella & Oil Bella (Tuning in Tokyo) Bumsicles DeeDee Ice (visiting) Jinny, Mia & Paula Leo, Em & Em's Foxy Friend Leo Linly & Jinny Linly Lita & DeeDee Lita Nadia & Gaga Nadia Bumsicle Nanny Oil Paula & Leo Paula
  13. Thanks 7. Tonight is Songkran party night so I'll try to squeak in as many as I can. It's tough sometimes to keep other faces out of the shot. I personally used to love the candid shots at the old TJ's when the girls were changing their costumes in the back, but it's more difficult to do so now because of the layout. Drat.
  14. I don't use social media like Fecesbook and Fritter so nothing I take (unless someone else posts them) will be on there.
  15. It was very quiet Songkran Eve at TJ's last night with only three farangs in attendance. I took the opportunity to take almost all shots candidly, catching a few keepers. This Friday Em is tossing a Songkran party which should be a hoot. Ana & Mia Atom & Jinny Atom Atom, Jinny & Nadia Atom Jinny & Em Bebe Bella & Jinny Bella & Paula Bella Bella, Nadia & Atom Em & Atom Em & Ratdog Jinny & Em Linly Lita & Jinny Lita, Bella & Jinny Lita, Jinny & Atom Mia & Nadia Mia & Paula Mia, Lita & Bella Mia Paula & Nadia Paula
  16. A few photos of the new venue. Mama Em says there will be two chrome poles for dancers and both an interior and exterior dancing area. A grand opening is in the works for the near future. ANA BELLA JINNY & BELLA KAN LEO NADIA & PAULA NADIA PAULA
  17. I said only that she refused to top or bottom for me. She may very well do so for others. She was mediocre plus with oral both ways, but I wanted to go "around the world". She didn't. Up to her.
  18. The young ladies are both GG's, both visitors, and both have boyfriends. You'd have a better chance pissing into a hurricane and staying dry. Mia is a sweetie, and is hot, but I took her last week and she refused either to top or to bottom. (Maybe Paleface got more from her when they were together before Covid.) I paid her the minimum and took her back to TJ's with no hard feelings. Then I barfined Big Ana (for the fourth time) and received her usual "Lily" service; absolutely top rate. She does it all! Her I paid the maximum I could afford.
  19. Some have returned, a some just visiting for the party, and where Em is concerned there are always fresh babes anticipated.
  20. Last night was not only a party to mark Jinny's birthdate (and also that of regular guest Colin) but was also the closing of the "old" TJ's. Tonight is the opening of the "new" TJ's, moved to the rear of the complex where the ill-fated cabaret was a few years back. TJ's was stuffed - just like old times. Wall-to-wall guests of all types. It was a great evening, but for the fucking music. It was so goddam loud one couldn't even make out half the lyrics of the singers, let alone have a conversation without screaming in the ears of someone six inches away. Complaining to Mama Em and to the Flip singer was pointless, as the only answer was "It's a party." Like that's a fucking excuse! Why O why have Thai's never heard of equalization? The music could have been ten decibels lower and the vocals five higher, and everybody would have been happy. The worst was when the Isan screeching began - about twenty minutes of ear-shattering glass breaking audio assault. Streetwalker was even more pissed than I about it all, and that's going some! Nevertheless there was some fine cabaret dancing, and some good lip-synching by Bebe and Jina and Jinny. Paula tossed a great dance and strip act out, and a couple Farangs with decent pipes sang a few this's and that's. Many well-known BM's made an appearance as well. Even the inimitable character Blade came by, this time wearing his formal black wife-beater. It was just like old times, the first such evening in over two years. I took a ton of photos, although the quality is nothing like Sonya's stuff, who was there shooting with her usual professionalism. No doubt Mama Em's Facebook page will be bursting with them in due course. Attached is about a tenth of what I took, in alphamerical order. Enjoy! AI ANA,NADIA,ATOM,MIA ANA ATOM & MIA ATOM & OIL BEBE BELLA & ATOM BELLA BELLA & HOTTIE KAN BLADE CHICK (HOUSE MASCOT) DEEDEE GUEST HOTTIE KAN GUEST HOTTIES (ASSORTED) JINA JINA,ANA,DEEDEE,JINNY JINNY,MIA.PAULA,NADIA JINNY KITTY & ATOM LITA MIA STEEL TOOT MIA MIA,JINNY,ANA NADIA NADIA & LINLY NADIA,ATOM,MIA NANA NANA & PATTY OIL PATTY PAULA SINGER SONYA VENUS VENUS' GOLD SHOES
  21. No idea where Atom has come from. Em finds girls everywhere.
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