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So yes, the timetable is, if final stages of testing get green light and vaccines are approved.

January- risk groups, people over 70, and medical workers.

At the earliest March, but more likely Q3: the rest of us.

Already secured enough to vaccinate the whole population.

We have signed up with 4 different manufacturers in a EU joint venture. Astra Zeneca, Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna. They also mentioned  4 or 5 others are in final stages of testing and negotiations. German CureVac was mentioned.


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We in the US can't even travel to Mexico or Canada for another 30 days.   Americans soon to be lepers of the world.


and Texas has re-activated "chain gangs" to move the dead.  (They don't call them chain gangs, but prison labor in the US southern states is a time honored tradition.



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3 hours ago, Quietguy said:

I wouldn't believe Government claims, but I would trust the NHS.

would you now? which NHS is that then? the old beloved NHS of yore consisting of doctors and nurses on the frontline that we all know and appreciate.

Or the new NHS run by bureaucrats, accountants and faceless men in nice suits who led to all those deaths some years back because of budget cuts in cleaning practises? do you remember that? the days when it was more dangerous to be in hospital than not to be. The days when you could actually go to the GPs surgery when you were ill... and didn't have to plan ahead and book 3 weeks in advance.

so, who runs the NHS then [this is a genuine question] is it not in actuality the government? who have to now justify their own actions re Covid lockdown etc etc.

i'd trust them as far as i could throw them. The NHS in it's original form was indeed wondrous, but the people who matter i.e the medical staff have been  overwhelmed by self-serving administrators.

There are too many examples of covid figures being grabbed out of thin air and repeated willy-nilly by others as though they are truths. Which is what governments understand... repeat a lie often enough and it will become a truth. you QG and others on here are falling into this trap [not having a pop there,  it is so]

if the NHS provide statistics they should consist of how many people had their urgent appointments and treatments for cancer or whatever cancelled because of the new fashionable covid shite.

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18 hours ago, blind boy grunt said:

would you now? which NHS is that then? the old beloved NHS of yore consisting of doctors and nurses on the frontline that we all know and appreciate.

Or the new NHS run by bureaucrats, accountants and faceless men in nice suits who led to all those deaths some years back because of budget cuts in cleaning practises? do you remember that? the days when it was more dangerous to be in hospital than not to be. The days when you could actually go to the GPs surgery when you were ill... and didn't have to plan ahead and book 3 weeks in advance.

so, who runs the NHS then [this is a genuine question] is it not in actuality the government? who have to now justify their own actions re Covid lockdown etc etc.

i'd trust them as far as i could throw them. The NHS in it's original form was indeed wondrous, but the people who matter i.e the medical staff have been  overwhelmed by self-serving administrators.

There are too many examples of covid figures being grabbed out of thin air and repeated willy-nilly by others as though they are truths. Which is what governments understand... repeat a lie often enough and it will become a truth. you QG and others on here are falling into this trap [not having a pop there,  it is so]

if the NHS provide statistics they should consist of how many people had their urgent appointments and treatments for cancer or whatever cancelled because of the new fashionable covid shite.

I agree statistics can be tweaked and massaged to suit whatever someone might want to claim. But I doubt that the UK Government would want to make the situation look worse than it actually is. They have been downplaying coronavirus since it started. It was only the reality of rising infection and death rates threatening to overwhelm the NHS that made them impose lockdowns.

I also agree about the managerial bureaucrats who were brought in to make cuts in frontline services. That has been going on since the neo-liberal monetarist policies of the Thatcher and Reagan Governments in the 80s. They believed that only free market forces should operate, that state operated organisations like the NHS were inefficient (ie non-profit making). Managers were promoted and rewarded with higher salaries and bonuses for cutting staff and services rather than improving them.

The figures and stats quoted by the NHS and Government are not much different per head of population, than most other countries. They mostly show a sharp rise in infections and deaths starting around the beginning of the year. Falling over the summer due to lockdowns, improved treatment methods and better weather, and now starting to rise again. Are all these countries making up the stats?

I do also prefer to believe actual frontline NHS staff. And it was they who were speaking out about inadequate preparation, PPE and staff resources as the first wave kicked in. The NHS Bureaucrats and UK Government were denying that. It is the nurses and doctors who were saying how they were being overwhelmed, not the PM or bureaucrats.

And btw the NHS is providing statistics of the numbers of delayed and cancelled treatments and operations. 

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OQ, these “facts” are not correct. We don’t have 6700 new cases per day. Lately there has been a very unpleasant agenda from various news sources driven by the far right. So called journalists ( you can’t find any existence of them, my sister is a journalist and she tried ) hired to write very politically biased rubbish. 
The conservatives/ right wing is out for blood and are trying hard to undermine our government and the the public health organization.  We do have problems right now , as basically the whole world, but the reports are highly exaggerated. 

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33 minutes ago, Quietguy said:

They must have got their 6,700 cases from the wikipedia figure for 13 November.

I'm afraid thats not correct either. I have stopped reading the news regarding this subject. I watch the live streaming twice a week  by the public health organisation and thats it.

It started in July 2020 with an article in New York Times. I read it then and thought it had so many errors. Started to search about these "journalists" who wrote the piece only to find some really disturbing stuff. Reuters , AP and other supposedly fair news outlets let these "journalists" have their say.

In several cases its been found that the writers don't even exist, their names have been made up and someone else with an agenda is behind it.

Heres a piece about the article in NYT. Its in english and also includes the article in question and the NYT writers response.


One of the most widespread articles of recent months comes from the world’s most respected newspaper and is about Sweden. Much of the article is, however, distorted – to Sweden’s detriment.
Here is a review of the article’s most serious misunderstandings and inaccuracies.



The co-writer of the original NYT piece, Erik Augustin Palm, has later been found out as an alt right wing troll, Steve Bannon style. He wrote this lovely piece in april this year. Its amazing a respected paper like NYT lets a nutcase like this be a co-writer.  https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/04/sweden-coronavirus-response-death-social-distancing.html

Its really worrying, I thought we were spared with this  Breitbart type of behaviour, but we're not. People are stupid and gullible

all over the world.


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well QG all this figure stuff is a bit boring... but in spite of all that, you know that you are my hero,or perhaps my inspiration? indeed when i grow older i want to be like you...

But anyway just to lighten things...i've written a country song for Dolly to sing. I'm a-sending it to her, hopefully she'll use on her next album 'Dolly sings Grunt'

Because of the inspiration you give QG, i only write country songs nowadays. Here's part of the song, i'm not gonna a-show it all in case any Roll and Roll chicks record it.. i don't want that. Dolly only.

My man done gone and left me

My man he gone a-walkin’

My man his name is Geoffrey

My man he done stopped talkin'

But I’ll never be fergettin’ - the last words I said to him

"Geoff when you leave me,

Walk out backwards so I think you’re coming in."

I’m a- missing you now Geoffrey

But you know it’s true

"If I could do it all over again Geoffrey, I’d do it all over you"

My man he gone and left me, left me all alone-ah

But it’s all over now

I hopes he gets Corona.


i put the last line in PD...so i'm not going off-topic.....


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14 hours ago, seven said:

Thanks @seven. From what I can understand the graphs do confirm that new cases on 13/11 were 6,737, and on 19/11 were 6,243. Partly due to increased testing.



Screenshot 2020-11-23 at 09.15.50 - Edited.png

Screenshot 2020-11-23 at 09.12.24 - Edited.png

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5 hours ago, Quietguy said:

Thanks @seven. From what I can understand the graphs do confirm that new cases on 13/11 were 6,737, and on 19/11 were 6,243. Partly due to increased testing.

Yes, those are the official numbers. They could in reality be a lot higher or lower depending how you test. So far our testing hasn't been a success story, nowhere near Thailands.

Still, 8 out 10 casualties are over 80 years old. Younger do get infected, but their deathrate is very low,close to zero.

Anyways, get ready for Cuba instead of worrying about us :)

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