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Chaps I just caught this article online. It's from the The annual Integrated Household Survey (IHS) published by the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS)

Seems there is a growing number of people in the UK, and elsewhere no doubt, who defined there sexual identity as "Don't know". Worth a read, how many of the "Don't knows" are guys like us I wonder.


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Good find Vee! :clapping:

More varieties of sex please, we're British

By Adam Sherwin

3:00 PM Thursday Sep 29, 2011

More than three per cent of Britons answered 'don't know' when asked to define their sexual leanings in a recent survey.

Britons are becoming more sexually adventurous, with fewer defining themselves as "straight" and an increasing number answering "don't know" when asked to define their leanings.

The annual Integrated Household Survey (IHS) published by the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS), found a record number of people answering: "I'm sorry I haven't a clue," when asked about their sexual identity.

The survey found that 94 per cent of adults defined themselves as straight, a 0.2 per cent fall.

The figure for heterosexual men dropped by 0.4 per cent to 93.6 per cent. Women identifying themselves as straight fell by 0.2 per cent to 94.3 per cent of the population.

The IHS, the largest social survey published by the ONS, with 420,000 respondents, identified 1.3 per cent of men as gay, with 0.6 per cent of women claiming to be lesbian.

The combined gay and lesbian population is 1.5 per cent of the total. Those answering bisexual accounted for 0.5 per cent.

But the largest rise, by 0.4 per cent to 3.6 per cent among men and women combined, was for those who, given a choice of sexual identities, answered: "Don't know".

A total of 4.3 per cent said they would not or could not answer the question.

Matthew Todd, editor of gay lifestyle magazine Attitude, claimed sexual identities are becoming more fluid.

"There is a trend for people refusing to be put in a box," he said.

"I met someone recently who said they were 'polysexual'. They had an ongoing relationship with a man and a woman. There are so many lifestyle choices it's understandable if people are confused."

Mr Todd added that the one per cent figure "seriously underestimated" the total gay population in Britain.

He said: "It still isn't entirely socially acceptable to be gay, so there will be young people who have yet to reach that conclusion themselves, or don't feel comfortable identifying themselves as gay."

The UK's southwest has the UK's largest bisexual population, with 0.9 per cent placing themselves in that category, compared to 0.2 per cent in Northern Ireland.

London has the most gays and lesbians, while the "straightest" region is the northeast with 95.9 per cent resolutely heterosexual.

Younger people are more likely to describe themselves as gay or lesbian, with 1.4 per cent of the 25-34 age group doing so, compared with just 0.3 per cent of people aged 65 and over.

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As much as we like to define and feel the need to compartmentalize, for me I believe we are all "ALL SEXUAL". All human interaction, male or female is sexual even if it means disinterest. Originally we all came from the same place and if we hadn't been interested or excited by each other from the get go none of this would have ever evolved or amounted to a hill of beans.

There is no real stock in wondering, pondering, and tormenting ourselves over things that don't really matter like sexuality. Personally I have never given a second thought about anyone's sexuality and over a lifetime this has taught me to not question or try to define mine. It's a shame it has taken me so long to "get it" but better late than never as they say.

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Didn't someone once write that trying to figure out who you are is like trying to bite your own teeth...

I tried for many years to bite my own teeth...And all I got to show for it is a bloody tongue...

When I stopped trying, I set about getting a bunch of good memories...

Sam's very right...Don't bother trying to bite your own teeth...Just enjoy...Go get yourself some good memories...

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